Elevation Requires Isolation.

Whatever you have been assigned to do on earth is going to take dedication and effort on your part. There is no escape from this. If you are not prepared to do the work, don’t expect to arrive at your place of purpose. Don’t be fooled by these name it and claim it, spin around and claim it, dance and claim it preachers. It takes a lot more than running around a church to fulfil your destiny.

The biggest hinderance to fulfilling our purpose is our inability to focus. We have so much irrelevant stuff going on that it’s impossible to get anything done. People spend hours on the phone talking about nothing. Then they spend hours scrolling through social media; they’ve got to turn up to every event, or they are always in front of the TV.

There are only 24 hours in the day, if the majority of your time is spent on frivolous activities, you are never going to get anywhere in life. To reach your goals, you’ve got to make sacrifices, that means cutting out your social life, turning off your phone and the TV and focusing on what you need to do.

When you make a commitment to your destiny, you will experience opposition. Click To Tweet

When you make a commitment to your destiny, you will experience opposition. Your friends won’t understand why you no longer want to come out every weekend. In fact, they will taunt you for it. Family members will mock you; people will do everything in their power to discourage your efforts.

The problem is that the majority of people don’t have a vision for their life. They have resigned themselves to a 9-5, marriage, kids and a couple of holidays per year. When anyone around them starts aspiring to anything greater than this, they get intimidated and it is expressed through disdain at what you are doing.

In the process of reaching your destiny, you will lose many friends. They will accuse you of thinking you are better than everyone, that you’ve changed, you are not who you used to be. Some will even tell you that what you are trying to achieve won’t work. You will find that the people you hoped would support you have no interest in the new path your life is taking.

The road to destiny is a lonely one, and few people are bold enough to make the journey. But when the hand of God is on your life, your spirit is compelled to move in the direction of your calling no matter what it takes.

Unfortunately, you can’t take everyone to the top, elevation requires isolation and there are some people you will need to leave at the bottom of the mountain. Don’t be dismayed by this, God knows who is for you and who is against you, let the naysayers go, they will only hinder your steps.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.

Be Still and Know That I am God.

Anxiety is a form of restlessness. When life isn’t going the way you had expected, or you are pre-empting all the negative things that could take place in the future, your mind is not at rest. You lay awake all night, tossing and turning, thinking about all the possible scenarios that could take place. Your days are spent in turmoil because you don’t know what is going to happen regarding your situation.

Unfortunately, due to our fallen human nature, fear, worry and anxiety are normal emotions. All the great men and women of God throughout the ages experienced similar conflicts. The prophet Elijah wanted to commit suicide after his powerful victory on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 19:4); Jonah was also suicidal (Jonah 4:8). When Jehoshaphat was informed that three major cities were coming against him, the first thing he did was become fearful (2 Chronicles 20:3).

But despite their troubles, they all had one thing in common, they refused to remain in a place of despair. They all arose from their adversity and continued moving forward in their assignment. Remaining still when we don’t know what lies ahead of us is difficult, but there are many promises in the Bible that give us hope for the future.

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11 states that the Lord has plans to prosper us and not to harm us.

even though a weapon of destruction has been fashioned against us, it shall not prosper. Click To Tweet

Psalms 34:19 encourages us that the Lord delivers the righteous from their afflictions.

It is because of these promises that we can rest in the presence of the Lord knowing that even though a weapon of destruction has been fashioned against us, it shall not prosper.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.

Peace in the Valley.

You can find light in the darkest places if you are willing to shift your focus. But shift my focus onto what? I hear you asking. Good question! When you are in the valley of despair it is easy to keep your eyes on your condition. Whether you are in a financial bind, you’ve lost your job, or your marriage is breaking down, life can catch you off guard sometimes and it becomes extremely difficult to free yourself from the bondage of despair that you feel when you are going through an uncomfortable situation.

Some Christians believe they are exempt from troubles because they are children of God; and when the trials come, they lose their faith as they don’t understand why a loving God would allow them to go through such turmoil. There is nowhere in the Bible that promises a trouble-free life; in fact, in John 16:33, Jesus informs us that we are going to have tribulation in the world, but we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.

That my friend is how we maintain peace in the valley, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Isaiah 26:3 states that God will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds fixed on Him. Anxiety and worry set in when we are consumed with our trials. I am in no way telling you to bury your head in the sand and act as if you are not going through anything. Acknowledge your pain and suffering but give it to the Lord. He knows the beginning from the end. He understands your hurts and frustrations. Jesus knows what abandonment feels like, when He was taking His last breath on the cross, He cried out asking why God had forsaken Him.

The peace that surpasses all understanding comes from staying in the presence of the Lord.

Turn your worry into worship and I can guarantee that the peace of God will overtake your heart and mind. Click To Tweet

Turn your worry into worship and I can guarantee that the peace of God will overtake your heart and mind.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.

When Destiny Calls.

When God calls you in the direction of your destiny, people are not going to like it. Notice what the children of Israel said when Saul was appointed as their king, “How can this man save us?” (1 Samuel 10:27) They were so infuriated at God’s selection that they refused to honour him. Saul did not try and defend himself; he was silent; he knew that the Lord had anointed him for the assignment, and he didn’t feel the need to convince others of this.

It is not your job to assure people you have been called by God, if those around you can’t discern it, that’s their problem, not yours. In Proverbs 18:16 it states that your gift will make room for you. When you are operating in a spirit of excellence, your works will validate your calling, you won’t need to convince people with your words, they will see the manifestation.

When you are clear about your life’s purpose, man’s opinion of you will no longer have an affect on you. The presence of God will operate so strongly in your life that you will become like David and encourage yourself. One of the reasons why people find it so difficult to walk in the fullness of their calling is that they want everyone to like them, they want a pat on the back for everything they do, and when they don’t get it, they feel discouraged.

Taking destiny steps is like walking in shoes that don’t fit, it’s uncomfortable. When you start moving in the direction of your calling, you will feel out of place. Click To Tweet

Taking destiny steps is like walking in shoes that don’t fit, it’s uncomfortable. When you start moving in the direction of your calling, you will feel out of place. Not just because of the critics, but because you have stepped out of your comfort zone. Growth is impossible in comfortable surroundings; your destiny will challenge you, and that challenge often comes in the form of criticism.

Destiny is not for the faint hearted, it is for bold and fearless people, as the saying goes, “it is for those who can take a licking and keep on ticking.” When destiny calls, expect opposition. But instead of allowing the opposition to hinder you, see it as a clear indication that you are heading in the right direction.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.