Are Your Angels Unemployed?

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Psalms 91:11 – “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”

Every believer has an assignment to complete on the earth, you were not saved just to go to church every Sunday. You have a specific mission that you must fulfil during your lifetime. The minute you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour; God dispatched angelic protection to assist you with your work. There are countless stories in the bible of angelic beings helping the people of God. There are also many testimonies today of believers receiving angelic protection during times of need.

However, it is your responsibility to activate the angels that have been assigned to you. We read in the book of Daniel that when he began to pray, the Lord heard him immediately (Daniel 10:12), when the archangel Gabriel was commissioned to deliver the answer to Daniel, he was intercepted by demonic forces and they fought for 21 days (Daniel 10:13). During that time, Daniel was in prayer and fasting. I believe that his prayers empowered the angels to keep fighting on his behalf.

Think about it, God is the most powerful being in the universe, Satan himself can not stand against Him, so why is it that Gabriel had to send for Michael to assist him, why didn’t he just ask the Father to destroy the demon so he could go and deliver the message to Daniel? Because it is the words from our mouths that strengthen angelic forces.

In Psalms 103:20 we read – “Bless the Lord you His angels, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word.” The dictionary definition for the word ‘heed’ is ‘to pay attention to.’ So, the angels of the Lord pay attention to, and listen for the ‘voice of His word.’ Which means anytime they hear the word of the Lord, whether it comes from heaven or earth, they are activated.

Ephesians 6:17 states, “And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” In this verse, the Apostle Paul is referring to the bible as a weapon, and weapons are only used to fight. In my mind, I envision swords being released in the spirit realm every time we speak the word of God, these swords are captured by our angels and used to fight against the demonic forces that have been assigned to hinder the plan of God in the lives of believers.

If you fail to use the word of God, you render the angels powerless to assist you in the earth. The police are there to protect and serve, but if you call them and don’t tell them what you need, they can’t help you. Angels are no different, they won’t move until you speak which means they are hanging around with nothing to do. So make a habit of releasing the word of the Lord over your life and over your situation and watch how quickly things begin to turn around.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.

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A survivor of the American injustice system, ulcerative colitis and a host of tragic life events. Her strength comes from Christ alone and she has found purpose in suffering. Abigail's life mission is to help others turn their pain into power.