The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

Isaiah 26:3 – “You will keep him in perfect peace. whose mind is stayed on You.”
We all struggle with worry and anxiety when we are experiencing difficulties in life. It is hard to keep fear at bay when you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or when you have just lost your job and you’ve got a family to take care of. We read in the book of second Chronicles that when Jehoshaphat heard about the opposition coming against him (2 Chronicles 20:3), his first reaction was fear. It is normal to experience negative emotions when we get a bad report, the question is are you going to wallow in it, or are you going to rise up in faith and choose to believe God?
Jehoshaphat immediately went to the Lord in prayer (2 Chronicles 20:3), he took his eyes off the problem and focused on God. The father gave him an instruction, he implemented it and his deliverance came. As believers in Christ, when life takes a turn for the worst, our first point of contact should be Jesus. However, what many of us are guilty of is magnifying the problem by calling everyone in our phone book to tell them about what we are going through. Our nights are spent tossing and turning while we try and figure out how we are going to get out of the situation. I can testify to this, I suffer from severe anxiety, and I find it very difficult to focus on God when the winds of life are blowing in my direction. However, when I can find the strength to fix my mind on the Lord, I experience the peace that surpasses all understanding; and for me it starts with worship.
I have found that worship shifts the atmosphere, I play my favourite gospel music and there is a special anointing that flows through my home which ushers me into the presence of the Father. Praying in the Holy Ghost transports me into another realm, and it is not long before my anxiety has subsided, and my faith has overtaken my fear. But when I sit and think about the problem, that feeling just gets worse and worse, and in some cases, I end up having a full-blown panic attack.
We pray for peace, but the reality is that we’ve got to choose peace. It is freely available to us if we take it Click To Tweet
We pray for peace, but the reality is that we’ve got to choose peace. It is freely available to us if we take it. The scripture states, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You”. In other words, if you keep your mind fixed on Jesus, peace will rule and reign in your life.
May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.