Peace in the Valley.

You can find light in the darkest places if you are willing to shift your focus. But shift my focus onto what? I hear you asking. Good question! When you are in the valley of despair it is easy to keep your eyes on your condition. Whether you are in a financial bind, you’ve lost your job, or your marriage is breaking down, life can catch you off guard sometimes and it becomes extremely difficult to free yourself from the bondage of despair that you feel when you are going through an uncomfortable situation.
Some Christians believe they are exempt from troubles because they are children of God; and when the trials come, they lose their faith as they don’t understand why a loving God would allow them to go through such turmoil. There is nowhere in the Bible that promises a trouble-free life; in fact, in John 16:33, Jesus informs us that we are going to have tribulation in the world, but we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.
That my friend is how we maintain peace in the valley, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Isaiah 26:3 states that God will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds fixed on Him. Anxiety and worry set in when we are consumed with our trials. I am in no way telling you to bury your head in the sand and act as if you are not going through anything. Acknowledge your pain and suffering but give it to the Lord. He knows the beginning from the end. He understands your hurts and frustrations. Jesus knows what abandonment feels like, when He was taking His last breath on the cross, He cried out asking why God had forsaken Him.
The peace that surpasses all understanding comes from staying in the presence of the Lord.
Turn your worry into worship and I can guarantee that the peace of God will overtake your heart and mind. Click To Tweet
Turn your worry into worship and I can guarantee that the peace of God will overtake your heart and mind.
May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.