Do Not Give in to Discouragement.

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.”
Discouragement can cause you to give up on the task you have been assigned to. Ministry is not easy, people are not going to like you, they will think you are crazy, stupid and every negative adjective you can think of, but that is the nature of the game. God did not promise us an easy life on earth, things actually get harder when you become a Christian because you now have an enemy and he will do everything in his power to get you to turn back.
Discouragement is one of the many tools the devil uses to get you to give up on God. As Christians we have a hope that is sure, and that hope is in Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory.
If we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord instead of on our circumstances, we will walk in the victory that has been promised to us while on earth. Click To Tweet
If we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord instead of on our circumstances, we will walk in the victory that has been promised to us while on earth.
The Israelite’s were tired and fed up, they had a mammoth task ahead of them and they wanted to know whether or not they would be rewarded for their obedience. They had spent seventy years in captivity and heard the word of the Lord from prophets such as Jeremiah. They were personally delivered a letter containing the infamous Jeremiah 29:11 verse: “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” The Jews had returned to ruins, what they saw didn’t look like the promise in this verse. They were weary and tired, and God delivered His word to them through a prophet whose name means “Yahweh remembers.”
The book of Zechariah serves as a promise that he remembers every word He has spoken concerning your life, His word will not return void, it will accomplish what He pleases and it will prosper in the thing for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11).
May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.