3 Psalms to Help You Deal With Anxiety.

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I suffer from a very rare form of anxiety; I don’t like talking about it or thinking about it because it makes me anxious. But it’s there and some days are worse than others. As believers we often shy away from mental illness because we fear that it will make us look like we don’t trust God – you know, since according to Philippians 4:6 we should be worried and anxious for nothing right? But the reality is that the devil has got a job to do, and that is to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10) and that is exactly what he is going to do. One of his tactics is to steal your peace by attacking you with anxiety, but praise be to God, we have a weapon of warfare that we can hurl back in his face and that weapon is prayer.

You’ve only got to read through the book of Psalms to know that David battled with anxiety. He had sleepless nights where he wept until his pillow was drenched with tears (Psalms 6:6) Click To Tweet

You’ve only got to read through the book of Psalms to know that David battled with anxiety. He had sleepless nights where he wept until his pillow was drenched with tears (Psalms 6:6), there were times when he was so afraid that his bones were shaking (Psalms 6:2). But David overcame these negative feelings with prayer. Here are three of the psalms he wrote during his worst days.

1: Psalms 23: This Psalm reminds us that God is our faithful shepherd, we can turn to Him during times of trouble and He will still the noise in our minds with His gentle love.

2: Psalms 121: In these verses we read that we have help in the Lord. No matter what we are going through, we can lift our eyes up to Him and He will deliver us. The Lord is constantly watching over His children, and He will not allow the storms of life to overtake us.

3: Psalms 91: When your mind is raging a war against your soul, it frightens you. Praying Psalms 91 will provide you with the comfort you need during times of trouble.

I make these psalms personal and replace the word “you” with “I”, it makes me feel secure knowing that the Lord is speaking directly to me. When I go through periods of anxiety, I pray through these Psalms until I feel calm again.

May God bless the hearers and the doers of His word.

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A survivor of the American injustice system, ulcerative colitis and a host of tragic life events. Her strength comes from Christ alone and she has found purpose in suffering. Abigail's life mission is to help others turn their pain into power.