Let us Rise up and Build.

Nehemiah had a heavenly burden for the children of Israel. He wanted them to prosper, he wanted them to become everything that God had called them to be. A part of this burden involved rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem to protect the nation.
When he made this decision and motivated his team to join him on the mission, the enemies of Israel were sent to discourage and cause confusion in an attempt to stop the work.
In spite of the obstacles, Nehemiah strengthened his hands and continued building. As he was building, he prayed for wisdom and discernment while he carried out the work of the Lord, and he was successful. Nehemiah saw the opposition but chose to rise above it and complete his assignment.
He built with one hand, and fought his enemies in prayer with the other. Click To Tweet
He built with one hand, and fought his enemies in prayer with the other.
Sanballat was one of Nehemiah’s most aggressive enemies, in Hebrew his name translates as “bramble bush, enemy in secret.” In other words, when you are building, your opposition may not be visible which is why communication with the all seeing God is essential.
The Lord will empower you with wisdom and discernment to manoeuvre around your silent enemies in order to complete the task that he has set before you.