Lazarus Come Forth

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“And he who died came out bound hand and foot with grave-clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “loose him and let him go.” – John 11:44

“Rest in peace,” reads the headstone of the grave that has been metaphorically dug for you. Your life has so spiralled out of control that friends, family and loved ones have written you off as a lost cause. You have given up on yourself, and can’t see anyway out of the hell that you have been living in. You feel as if there is nowhere to turn, hopelessness, despair and despondency have overtaken you. 

In the eleventh chapter of the book of John, we read the story of a man named Lazarus from the town of Bethany, he is the brother of Mary and Martha. After Lazarus became sick, his sisters called Jesus to heal him. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days, and the town was in mourning. There was not one person who believed that he would rise again. In verse 39, Jesus instructed the bystanders to, “Take away the stone,” their response was, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” 

The length of time that Lazarus had been dead was of no consequence to Jesus, He knew that He had power over life and death. When he released the words, “Lazarus come forth” from His spirit, verse 44 says, “And he who had died came out…” 

If you put your trust in the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding, Jesus Christ, the Bright and Morning Star, The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah will resurrect every dead situation in your life. The bible says, “With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Whatever it is that has you bound, no matter how long you have been down in the gutter, if you allow Jesus to direct your steps, “Rest in peace” will transcend into “Rise in power. Click To Tweetif you allow Jesus to direct your steps, “Rest in peace” will transcend into “Rise in power,” as your new life becomes an inspiration to those living in bondage. 

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A survivor of the American injustice system, ulcerative colitis and a host of tragic life events. Her strength comes from Christ alone and she has found purpose in suffering. Abigail's life mission is to help others turn their pain into power.